Fiona Marshall
Agriculture Project Coordinator
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Summary: This project will protect and improve priority stream habitat for the highly valued and vulnerable Giant Freshwater Crayfish. Working with landholders to establish conservation agreements and undertake riparian protection and rehabilitation works, the project will increase the area of the species range that is protected from further habitat loss and degradation.

Project Description: Focusing on four discrete project areas critical to the ongoing survival of Tasmania’s iconic, endemic Giant Freshwater Crayfish, Astacopsis gouldi, this project will protect known populations, and improve the extent and quality of their habitat.

At least 24 landholders across the four areas will be identified, directly engaged, and supported to improve river habitat quality and connectivity over a total of 12 kilometres. Activities to address the main threats to the species include:

  • preventing stock access to reduce bank erosion causing sedimentation.
  • improving riparian vegetation coverage to provide bank stabilisation and stream shading, reducing in-stream water temperatures.
  • improving land management practices that impact water quality.
  • facilitating long-term conservation of private.
  • increasing awareness and surveillance to prevent illegal fishing.

This suite of actions will improve juvenile crayfish survivorship, and conserve key populations across the region.

Project partners are Tasmanian Land Conservancy and Todd Walsh (Kannunah Pty Ltd).

Regional Land Partnerships projects are supported by Cradle Coast Authority, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.