The world’s most relied upon renewable energy source isn’t wind or the sun – it’s water.

Worldwide hydroelectricity generation hit a record 4,306 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2019, the single greatest contribution from a renewable energy source in history. The International Hydropower Association concluded from their 2020 Hydropower Status report that the Covid-19 pandemic has underlined hydropower’s resilience and critical role in delivering clean, reliable and affordable energy, especially in times of crisis.

Renewable energy has been powering Tasmania for over 100 years. Hydro Tasmania generated over 9,000 MWh of hydroelectric power in 2018-2019 and is set to produce much more in coming years as pumped hydro is added to existing hydro networks.

You can read the IHA 2020 Hydropower Status Report here

Image: Hydro Tasmania