Ecology and cultural heritage on-the-ground investigations and surveys will commence from the 12th of October across the length of the preferred Staverton to Hampshire Hills transmission route. The results are required for environmental planning and heritage approvals, for both State and Commonwealth assessment and approvals processes.

Based on the feedback received on the landscape and visual impact of the Staverton to Hampshire Hills preferred route, photos will be taken at Black Bluff, to take into account Paddy’s Lake and Winterbrook Falls, and on St Valentines Peak. These will be taken on the ground to mimic the eye, so that ‘to scale’ photo montages can be produced for public comment and feedback in the coming months.

Helicopters will be used to transport personnel and equipment to the sites, but will not be used for low level photography. The flight is scheduled to take place tomorrow (6th October), weather dependent.

If you would like to keep updated about North-West Transmission Developments, email, or call 1300 127 777.

You can find more information here

Image: Project Marinus