As variable renewable generation replaces retiring coal fired power stations over the coming years, balancing variable generation is more complex than just simple storage that can be provided by batteries. As explained by Tammy Chu, Managing Director of Entura, “batteries are not yet capable of providing kinetic inertia and fault level support required by a grid with a high proportion of intermittent renewables. Batteries also typically cannot supply the significant level of output over a longer duration that pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) or traditional hydropower can. As wind and solar plants expand in number and size, it is really only hydropower with large reservoirs that will be able to provide the multi-day storage needed in extreme events of both low wind and low solar”. #cradlecoastgoodenergy #hereforgood

You can read this complete article from “Water Power and Dam Construction” here

Image: Tammy Chu, Managing Director, Entura.