Are you interested in finding out more about the transmission upgrades and additions planned as part of the North West Transmission Developments?

TasNetworks has developed a strategic transmission plan for the North West Tasmanian transmission network which considers future load and generation connection requirements, a second Bass Strait interconnector (Marinus Link), and existing and forecast transmission network constraints (parts of the North West Tasmania transmission network, including the existing Palmerston–Sheffield 220kV circuit and Sheffield–Burnie 220kV circuit, are constrained or will become constrained in the coming years). TasNetworks recently released its Route Options Report which identifies proposed routes for overhead transmission lines from Palmerston to the Burnie via the proposed Heybridge Converter and Switching Station site, and from Burnie to the East Cam areas and south to Hampshire Hills in North West Tasmania.

You can see the route in detail by zooming in using the Interactive map, where you can also provide feedback by dropping pins onto the study area and sharing your comments on the interactive route map.

You can find the interactive map, Route Options Report, and a survey to provide your initial thoughts on the North West Transmission Developments project here