Cradle Coast Authority’s Regional Economic Development Committee (REDC) has assessed and approved HIF Asia Pacific’s proposed carbon-neutral eFuel plant for inclusion on the Projects of Regional Importance list under the Regional Investment Framework. The framework allows proponents to seek CCA’s help in advocating for significant regional projects and presents a unified voice when communicating our region’s priorities to governments.

HIF’s submission was evaluated against the objectives of the Regional Futures Plan, which considers social growth factors including addressing training, disadvantage and liveability, business growth factors such as job creation and stimulating new businesses, sustainable growth factors including the environment and community engagement, the project’s level of advancement, and need for assistance.

The proposed eFuel plant will be located at Surrey Hills, approximately 30km south of Burnie, on land within an existing forestry plantation. The plant is expected to be capable of producing up to 100 million litres of carbon-neutral eFuel per year and is based on a similar facility under development in Chile.

eFuel is made by using renewable energy to power electrolysers to separate hydrogen from oxygen in water and combining this hydrogen with recycled carbon dioxide obtained from locally sourced plantation biomass.

The resulting eMethanol can be further processed into ePetrol, which can be used in existing engines without modification.

The project is estimated to create hundreds of jobs during construction and require almost 200 full-time employees during its anticipated 40-year operating life. The project is currently in the development phase with construction scheduled to start in 2025.

The REDC has a diverse membership from various industries, governmental bodies, and educational institutions across the region. They consider Projects of Regional Importance on a rolling basis. Applicants who wish to submit their project for consideration can download an information pack from the CCA website and complete a Project Concept Brief. CCA does not provide funding for any projects; funding is not allocated through this process.

To learn more about HIF Tasmania, you can find additional information here:

To learn more about CCA’s Regional Investment Framework, please visit this link: